For all things Tooks, and some things, er, relating to other people. As well as to other things. You get the picture.

17 December 2007

Tonight I drank whiskey and played guitar in front of the fire in our living room. I played some Ray Charles. Ok, very little, cause I only play a very little guitar. But still, a little Ray with a little Crown hits the spot. My guitar teacher, Ralph, said during my lesson on Saturday, "There's nothing wrong with the blues. Some people fear the blues. They know who they are." Then he laughed in a knowing way. (In case you were wondering, this particular blues is a little tag from "What I Say" that Ralph has me working on. I suck, but it's really fun. And I'm improving.)

This is a picture of a fire in our fireplace:

I also did a little lesson planning for tomorrow, because tomorrow, unlike today, will not be a snow day. But today, unlike tomorrow, was a snow day, with all the joy and satisfaction and laziness and shovelling and napping and eating and whiskey and Ray that that entails. It snowed all day, so I made sure to stay in sweatpants. And an errant high schooler offered to shovel the driveway for $12, which seemed like a deal.

And it's almost Christmas. And snowy. And I'm close to ten days off from school, which sounds unimaginably sweet.

It's hard to be stressed when you're this blessed.

Listen to Sufjan Stevens's Christmas sweetness with me,



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